How to get started
No, you do not have to enroll. We do not have contracts that you agree to. Enrolling just helps us prepare your online account with your border template that you choose. It also helps us have more information that we can use if we need to reach you in case, we see anything that would make your photo better or improve your photo for next week.
See the Galleries tab on the home page and pick one from the 8x10 or the 8x10 with bookmark. Click here to go to the galleries:
No. You can send a photo with no added information at all to the front of the photo. Or you can create your own border template and send it ahead to us and we will embed it into your product online. Or you can choose one of our stock borders. Or you can ask us to modify one of our stock borders for you.
Yes. We can send you the file specifications in a jpg that you can place in Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator as a background layer that is the correct dimension and you just delete that layer before saving the file and sending to us. The specifications are: RGB file, 300dpi, 10.25”x8.25”, with a print area of 10x8” and a safe area for design elements and text is 9.75”x7.75”
Yes, we would be happy to. We need 2 weeks before your camp starts to get this process started. We will need a fast response time when we send you proofs of the design so you can quickly respond with changes and we can work on the next iteration of your border design. It is a big help if we have a cell phone to notify you to check your email for the next proof so we can move the design process forward and not have any issues being ready for your first photo date.
If I like one of your Stock Borders, but want to modify it, can you do that?
Yes, that is a great way to create new border templates.
How long does it take to design a custom template?
Allow two weeks. See: Can you design a custom design for me?
Yes. The specifications are: RGB file, 300dpi, 10.25”x8.25”, with a print area of 10x8” and a safe area for design elements and text is 9.75”x7.75” We have a Downloads page with templates available on our home page.
Great, Better late than never. We won’t be able to design a custom template , but we can apply one of our stock borders and have you ready to order photos in about two hours. Please call us right now at 480-750-9920 so we can act quickly on setting you up. Please go immediately to our enrollment page and fill it out and submit the form. If it is early in the day (before noon Pacific time zone) we can get a stock border set up based on your enrollment form. If your situation requires that photos be in your hands tomorrow and it is already late in the day, you may want to forego a template for this order today and use our Generic Border templates that are available even without creating an account under the Designer Demo tab on the home page. If we are on a very tight schedule for you and we do not have your enrollment form, you may just send us your photos by email to: printing@groupimaging.com You will want to add to the file name a good identification word like Cabin 3, Jr Hi I, and include in the filename Qty_##. An example of a good file name would be: Cabin_3_Qty12_July2-6.jpg
We ship 2 day air back to the camp at no charge. If you require your photos to leave our office the day you order them and arrive the next day, we have a $30.00 fee for that.
Once in a while a customer orders photos on a Friday and needs them delivered on Saturday (can’t guarantee the time of delivery) That would have both the overnight fee of $30.00 and a Saturday delivery fee of another $30.00 (Our costs for these services are higher than the fees)
Note, not all zip codes will have Saturday delivery as an option, and a few zip codes do not have overnight delivery for weekdays.
You can check with this link: UPS Calculate Time and Date
Use these details on UPS Calculate site:
- Input Ship From Zipcode: 85201
- Input Ship To Zipcode: Your Zipcode
- Input Shpping Date: Choose a Friday as Shipping Date
- Look at Results and if you do not see under Time a reference to Saturday, then you do not have Saturday delivery available in your zip code
or call us and we will check for you. 480-750-9920
Note: if your entire order is below 40 photos, and you are using our back to camp options above there is a minimum order fee of $30 to have your order shipped UPS Air (both 1 day and 2 day air options above)
You would normally check the right box on the enrollment form for 100% purchase. We use the honor system, if you tell us you are ordering a photo for every camper, we set your price to the discount for 100% orders. To get the discount you do not have to order photos for the staff that are in the photo, just all of the campers.
We will design one template for free, additional templates will cost $75.00 each.