How to Order Photos Online
Normal free delivery is 2 day UPS Air. Order before 5 pm Eastern Time, 4 pm Central Time, 3 pm Mountain Time and 2pm Pacific time zone and your order will arrive the day after tomorrow. Order Monday, arrive at camp Wednesday
Order Tuesday, arrive at camp Thursday
Order Wednesday, arrive at camp Friday
Order today and deliver tomorrow 1 day UPS Air has a $30.00 fee added. Order before 5 pm Eastern Time, 4 pm Central Time, 3 pm Mountain Time and 2pm Pacific time zone and your order will arrive tomorrow.
Order Monday, arrive at camp Tuesday
Order Tuesday, arrive at camp Wednesday
Order Wednesday, arrive at camp Thursday
Order Thursday, arrive at camp Friday
Order Friday, arrive at camp on Monday (unless you request Saturday delivery, if available in your zip code, not time of day promised, this adds an additional $30.00 fee)
Note, not all zip codes will have Saturday delivery as an option, and a few zip codes do not have overnight delivery for weekdays. You can check with UPS.com or call us and we will check for you.
Note: if your entire order is below 40 photos, and you are using our back to camp options above there is a minimum order fee of $30 to have your order shipped UPS Air (both 1 day and 2 day air options above)
Home shipping is $2.25 per photo and has no minimum per order. You can order as few as just one photo online and if you choose home delivery, it will be the cost of the photo plus $2.25 for shipping. We will print and ship to the addresses you provide in our spreadsheet (see the downloads tab for our spreadsheet to download). Please use our spreadsheet because it is formatted to work with our shipping software.
Order before 5 pm Eastern Time, 4 pm Central Time, 3 pm Mountain Time and 2pm Pacific time zone and your order will ship today. Please see FAQ: What are my choices for delivering photos? For details.
Order before 5 pm Eastern Time, 4 pm Central Time, 3 pm Mountain Time and 2pm Pacific time zone and your order will ship today. See FAQ: What are my choices for delivering photos? For details.
You should get an email notification when your order ships. You can call anytime if you have questions. 480-750-9920. We prioritize orders based on when campers go home and how fast we need to get them to UPS. Most orders ship the same day they arrive, and we always set the delivery date at least one day before your campers depart. If your campers leave on Saturday, we will delivery on Friday or earlier, if they depart on Friday, we will delivery on Thursday or earlier, etc.
If your order is a Home order, we may not print that until later in the week, but we will print them that week and prepare them to be mailed at Post office.
Log into your online account at www.groupimagingphotos.com and you will see to the left of the Sign In / Sign Out in the top right a word you can clicke on: My Account. Once you are on My Account you can scroll down to see Recent Orders (or click View All to see all orders). Find the order and date that you want to reorder groups from and click Reorder on the right. Be sure to delete (see trashcan by each line item) the photos you do not want to reorder and you can change the qty of the ones you want to whatever you want to reorder. When you have made your changes, scroll down and click on Update Shopping Cart and after it updates, verify that your orders is what you want it to be and then click on Proceed to Checkout as normal.
We have several options since we lose a shipping and delivery day on July 4th.
In 2023 the 4th is on a Tuesday. UPS will not be picking up or delivering packages on Tuesday July 4th. We have several options. If you order on Monday July 3rd , (by 2pm Pacific Time Zone) we can ship that same day for delivery on Wednesday (if you kids are departing on Thursday). If you order on Tuesday July 4th, we can’t ship the same day and your order can’t be delivered on Wednesday because UPS is closed on Tuesday July 4th. If you order on Tuesday July 4th, we will ship your order on Wednesday July 5th for delivery on Thursday July 6th (if your kids are departing on Friday).
Depending on your needs, you might consider changing this weeks photos to a home order and then the July 4th Holiday will have no effect on when you need to get your photo uploaded. We will mail all of July 4th weeks photos to your campers homes (additional $2.25 per photo)
We use that information to prioritize your order and to make sure we get your order delivered the day before your campers depart camp.
Once in a while we use the time of day in case, on a rare occasion, we needed to break our own rule and see if we can ship your order for delivery the day your campers depart knowing that UPS can promise delivery several hours before they depart. We only resort to this option if a camp was not able to take the photos and upload them with any time to spare. Note: if your photos arrived after your campers have departed, not to fear, do not accept the photos from UPS and they will return to Groupimaging Photos and we will mail them for you to their homes for you. If this was an attempt to make a last stitch effort to reach campers before they depart, you would not be charged for the UPS shipping that did not arrive in time, but you would have the normal home delivery shipping cost of $2.25 per photo.
You can ignore the Order Attachment if you are having photos shipped back to camp. It is to be used when you are having your order shipped to homes and it is here that you choose a spreadsheet file with camper addresses to be uploaded and hit submit. If you are doing a home ship order you can checkout online without your spreadsheet prepared and can upload it later from the My Account link (top right next to Sign In/Out button) and scroll down to Recent Orders and click on the order that the spreadsheet needs to be uploaded . Scroll to bottom of order and you will see the same Choose and Submit options to upload the address spreadsheet that goes with that order.
We have been doing this since 1993 and have had very few delivery failures and we always have a solution. Weather and some other rare causes can cause UPS to miss a deadline (which is why we always deliver the day before campers depart. When the rare exception occurs and an order does not arrive as expected, we simply ask you to not accept the UPS package and they will return to sender (refusing the package, will make our shipping costs less) and we will ask for you to send us a camper mailing list in our spreadsheet template and we will, at our expense, mail them to homes for you. This is a rare event, but we are prepared for it.
If not sure of your skills in photoshop, let us do the exposure corrections for you.
We inspect every group photo and make exposure adjustments when needed before we print them. We suggest that you take your photos in even lighting keeping all of your group either in full sunlight or full shade, it is harder to adjust exposure when part of your group is in full sun and part is in full shade as well as when one side of every face is in shadow and the other is in the sun. We are experienced at making exposure corrections. We also suggest that, if you have the best photo you could get this week and it still needs some help with exposure, you let us make the adjustments in Photoshop for you, unless your fully prepared to make exposure corrections yourself.
Do not panic. We will get you through it.
Once in a while a customer has problems with placing an order for one reason or another and instead of panicking, just call us and we can help you get through it. If for any reason you can’t make the site work right when you need it to, just email your order to us. Include file names that have qty and group name as identifiers. We will place your order for you.
Call us and we can help you through it. Email your photos to us. 480-750-9920
Download our Spreadsheet from the Downloads Tab on the home page.
Review the sample data in the speadsheet and then delete it and fill in your Photo Group Names, Camper Name, Address, qty needed for that camper. Save your file and upload at checkout with your order.
If you do not have your spreadsheet ready at the time you place your order, you can upload it later from your My Account link on the website under Recent orders and choose the order that the spreadsheet goes with and click View Order and scroll to bottom and see you can add a spreadsheet to the Choose button and then click Submit.
When placing your order, you choose Home Ship as your delivery Option.
If you do not have your spreadsheet ready at the time you place your order, you can upload it later from your My Account link on the website under Recent orders and choose the order that the spreadsheet goes with and click View Order and scroll to bottom and see you can add a spreadsheet to the Choose button and then click Submit.
Almost all of our orders have to be printed and shipped the same day they arrive and if not, then the next day. If we find an issue with your photo we might need to call you and get your input before we print the photo. Things can happen that you would need to be contacted (we may have found an issue with one of the campers in the photo, or we noticed that you would want to make a change and take a new photo, maybe we found that your exposure was too far off for a fix to happen. In any of these type of cases occur then we would need to get ahold of you right away. When it is our 5pm in Arizona it might be your 8pm on the East Coast, your office might be closed and we need to get your input and still have time to print and ship your order at 5pm our time.
A few zip codes do not have overnight delivery available but do have two day delivery because they are very remote. You can call us and we can check with our shipping software to find out if you have Overnight as well as Saturday delivery available. You can call UPS but that will be a long wait. Call us and we can look it up.
You can also check with UPS Calculate Time and Date
- Input Ship From Zip Code: 85201
- Input Ship To Zip Code: Your Zip Code
- Input Shipping Date: Choose a Weekday as Shipping Date (Friday if checking for Saturday Delivery)
- Look at Results and if you do not see under Time a reference to Saturday, then you do not have Saturday delivery available in your zip code
or call us and we will check for you. 480-750-9920