The Day That Changed My Life

As I write this introduction to our new Photo Baptism Certificate, it is October 24, 2023.  I was baptized at the Diamond Christian Church in Diamond, Mo. exactly 47 years ago today.  Being 63 years old today and seeing that I can't do math  in my head anymore , I googled, "how many years ago was October 24, 1976", not realizing that today was October 24.  I was stunned that the online date calculator returned: 47 years, 0 months, 0 days,it was exactly 47 years ago today.  How did I not see that?  I know most people would just look at a calendar and realize it, but I was having a "senior moment".   It brought tears to my eyes that we launching a Photo Baptism Certificate and Prayer Card on this same day 47 years to the day after I gave my life to Jesus.

I remember several things about that day and my decision to respond to the invitation at the closing of worship that Sunday.  I remember that Pat Harris, one of the youth group sponsors baptized me,  I remember telling the leaders that I did not want to get into a baptismal robe, but instead wanted to get baptized fulling dressed in the slacks and button down shirt I wore to church that day.  I wasn't sure how to tell my parents about my decision to become a disciple of Jesus, so I figured if I came home after going to church fully wet it would be obvious.  I wish I had a photograph from that day, one with me and Pat Harris that I could have today 47 years later, to the day.  But I don't.  Which brings me to the tools for your ministry that we want to introduce you to.

We believe that churches are reaching people everyday with the Gospel of Jesus and that leads to the decision to make Jesus Lord of their lives and submit to Christian Baptism.  We see our service in providing a Photo Baptism Certificate as a precious gift that the churches can give to the new disciples.  If I had a photo from 47 years ago today, I know it would be with me today and it would be a precious memento of that day.

We also believe that following a decision to give one's life to Jesus, are some of the toughest times for a new believer as he or she steps into a new path that can be full of trials and temptations that test the faith of the new believer.

 I am reminded of the plot in C.S. Lewis's book, The Screwtape Letters, where the two demons plot to attempt to make the new believer stray from the path of righteousness.  Given the magnitude of the transition to become a disciple, churches need to come alongside all new believers and support them in both discipleship and prayer.  We have great hopes that churches can take advantage of the prayer tool we have developed in our Prayer Card/Photo that is a companion to the Photo Baptism Certificate.  We can design packages that have both the certificate layout for signing and one that is to be printed as a Prayer Card/Photo (wallet size photos).  Our initial presentation is a package with a quantity of 8 wallet size photos (3.25"x2.25") that accompany the Photo Baptism Certificate and these photos are not intended to be a gift to the new disciple, but to those in the church who wish to come alongside them to keep them in prayer as they begin their journey.  These small photos would typically include the same photo as the certificate, but fewer words, just the disciples name and the date of the baptism.  Do you have eight people who will agree to pray for the new disciple and agree to keep the Prayer Card/Photo with them in prayer?  What a comfort knowing that will be to the new believer.

We look forward to churches joining us on this endeavor to support new disciples and we know that we will see some great ideas come to this product launch from creative people in churches.  Better ideas that I have defined so far.  I hope you will join us.

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to join you in support of your ministry to, "Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jeff Burris